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Welcome to Teamsters Local 929
Being a member of Teamsters Local 929 gives you many rights and benefits on the job. It also gives you the opportunity to join with other working people to win changes your workplace, our community, and our country. As a member of Teamsters Local 929, you are part of a big family. It includes 1.4 million Teamsters and their family members and 400,000 retirees in the United States and Canada. Teamsters Local 929 is a democratic organization, where the members have the right to elect their leaders and decide the local union's policies. By joining together, members of Teamsters Local 929 have more say in our working conditions. We negotiate with management to make our jobs better and make sure we are all treated fairly.
Union Contracts
All members of Teamsters Local 929 are covered by a union contract with their employer. Contracts cover such rights and benefits as...
Pay levels and pay raises
Health coverage
Job security
Paid time off for vacations, holidays, and sick days
Retirement benefits
Rules about how you must be treated on the job.
Your contract is negotiated with management by your co-workers and Business Agent. Every member has a right to make suggestions about what should be in the contract and to vote on the final agreement. To win a good contract, workers have to show management that they are united in support of their negotiating team. Sometimes, workers have to get support from other unions, community groups, public officials, consumers, or other organizations to convince management to reach a reasonable agreement. The rights and benefits in the contract are guaranteed. Management cannot legally change them without negotiations with the union.
Your Right to Fair Treatment
Everyone wants to have smooth working relationships on the job. But problems sometimes come up in every workplace. A Teamsters Local 929 contract includes a procedure to protect you from being fired or treated unfairly. It also protects you from discrimination or favoritism in the way work assignments, layoffs or other issues are handled.
A complaint that the contract has been violated is called a "grievance."If you think management may have violated your rights, or have any questions or problems about work, tell your shop steward. The Steward and the Business Agent can answer your questions and help you figure out the best way to solve the problem. Sometimes that involves discussions with management. Sometimes it requires getting the support of other workers for a fair solution.
Help From Your Local Union
Teamsters Local 929 has the main responsibility for enforcing your rights under the union contract. Teamsters Local 929 has four officers, all elected by the membership to represent members, negotiate contracts, and to help coordinate union activities. Your most direct link to the union is your shop steward. Your shop steward is a co-worker trained to help represent union members. You should go to your shop steward when you have a question or problem.
Become Active In Local 929
Read your contract. Ask your shop steward to explain parts that seem unclear.
Insist on your rights. Let your shop steward and other co-workers know if you think management is acting unfairly. If a supervisor asks you questions that might lead to discipline, you have a legal right to have your shop steward present during the questioning.
Support your co-workers. If someone else isn't being treated fairly, back them up. Our union is strong because we stick together.
Back up your union leaders when they ask for your support.
Support campaigns to win better contracts. Give your local union your ideas for what to negotiate in your contract. Join in activities to show management that you support your union. Help reach out to community groups if their support is needed.