Welcome to Teamsters Local 929
2024 General Meeting Schedule
January 3rd
April 3rd
July 3rd
October 2nd
All general membership meetings will be held at the union hall on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM.
A Letter From Your President
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope this letter finds you well. As a proud member of our labor union, I want to take a moment to highlight the significant benefits and advantages that come with being part of our strong and united Teamsters community.
1. Collective Bargaining Power:
First and foremost, Teamsters Local 929 fights to give you the best wages possible. We all know that inflation has caused everything, from bread to rent, to cost more. Therefore, it is especially important to get guaranteed annual wage increases to, at the very least, keep up with the cost of living. Together, we negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions than we could as individuals. Our unity ensures that our voices are heard and respected by employers. Only workers represented by a labor union and covered under a union contract are guaranteed wage increases. Non-union workers must constantly see the cost of everything increase while their hourly rate stays the same year after year.
2. Job Security and Fair Treatment:
Union membership provides a level of job security that is often unparalleled in non-union environments. We ensure that fair procedures are followed in hiring, promotions, and disciplinary actions, protecting you from unfair treatment and arbitrary management decisions. One of the ways companies reduce their cost of business is by firing senior workers and replacing them with cheaper new workers. I cannot count the number of times Teamsters Local 929 has saved union member's job after an unfair termination.
3. Comprehensive Benefits:
Our union has negotiated comprehensive benefits packages for our members. These include health insurance, retirement plans, paid leave, and other crucial benefits that support your wellbeing and financial stability. Without our union, many workers either would have no health insurance or health insurance that is of such low quality it would be like having no health insurance.
4. Legal Support and Representation:
Our union provides legal support and representation. You can count on our union to stand by you and advocate for your rights. Your employer has an attorney advocating for it and you need one too.
Rocky Bryan Jr.
President Local 929